MP3 File format
MP3 is the most popular audio format in use today.
MP3 stands for MPEG Layer 3, This is the audio format with a compression ratio of up to 12: 1. Voice and audio quality is very high in this format. A normal audio file, 1.2 MB in size and can fit into a size of 100 KB only, if using
MP3 format. Audio file size is very small if
compared with other formats such as MP4 format. This makes it easy for portable to save it.
Where we get the MP3 audio file?
MP3 audio files are now widely available in the form of CD now. Almost every album song
released to the world music market, is also sold in the MP3 audio format.
This album in MP3 format are also available in some website / blog of music that makes it easy for us to download the MP3. You can also
purchase these MP3 CDs at any music store.
MP3 download
Download MP3 free is also available on several websites and blogs. But you have to register as members of this site to download a number of songs in MP3 format on a limited basis. Some sites charge a fee for most every song is downloaded. Download Free MP3 to test the audio quality provided.
How to play MP3 audio files?
To play MP3 audio on a PC, you will need additional software.
MP3 Ringtones
With the advent of mobile phones, has been a trend to make the tone for your phone calls, you can choose your favorite songs as Ringtones.
Young people especially teenagers are more interested in using MP3 ringtones from songs they like. So now a lot of MP3 Ringtones that are sold through the website. Many
sites sell Ringtones in the MP3 format. Your phone must be capable of playing MP3 Ringtones in format to be listening songs in MP3 format and
then download MP3 Ringtones that match your phone model.